"MATI KAU!" Dia berteriak sekuat tenaga tak peduli akan sekitar. Sambil menancapkan pisau sepanjang telapak tangan ke dadaku sedalam mungkin, aku lalu terjerembab bersujud ke tanah. Terasa pengap sekali rasanya, terengah-engah aku berusaha bernapas. Sebilah pisau tertanam menjegal saluran pernafasanku, aku yakin sekali paru-paruku sudah rusak dan tak akan berfungsi lagi dalam waktu yang sangat dekat. Darah menggenangi tanah di bawahku. Dalam awang-awang rasa sakit yang memba'al, saat kesadaranku semakin menipis, penusukku barusan lari menjauh meninggalkanku yang sekarat. Saat itulah aku tahu pasti bahwa beberapa detik lagi aku akan mati.
today I finally reach the age of 30. ten years ago, my naive and underdeveloped brain thought that I am gonna achieve greatness, that I am the main character, the chosen one. what a memory that is. I know that me. right now is just an NPC or extras or whatever somebody with no insignificance is called. I live a mediocre life and now I am not even sure if I still have ambition anymore. I wake up every day knowing that my day is gonna be mundane. and I didn't know when was the last time I felt excited. TLDR. Me and my life are boring. I am just a programmer with the bare minimum skill. I am gloomy and cowardly, hate working hard, and even though I know I should fight. in the end, I am just running away. and the sad part, I am okay with that. sigh. even I understand that my life is not *that* miserable. but my head keeps telling me that I am not worth it. I keep kicking grass in frustration. why am I like this. I wish I can accept this, I wish I have acceptance in my life. but my he...
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